Sunday, December 14, 2014

Greatest of All Time

We all reach for inspiration and the motivation to keep lacing up our shoes day in and day out. Since I started running in 2004, I have used my Dad as my inspiration and then along the way I found little things here and there. I have always been a solo runner. I was never really into running in a group. I always felt like I could get it done alone but when I least expected it, I had a runner partner that I call GOAT (greatest of all time). I thought I was a good runner, I thought I was fast, and I thought no one was tougher but GOAT proved me wrong. It started out as just a simple run and it blossomed. I cheered GOAT on at races even if we running different distances, I knew where they were at all times.

When we hit the trails, I just knew I had the edge but GOAT had me pegged. GOAT could climb hills like no other and I could only sit back and watch in shame. Nothing I could do worked. I was challenged day in and day out. I had met my match in the running world. What a combo we were out on the road or on the trail. I had someone who pushed me in every possible way and even though I said I would never team up, I did and I enjoyed it. There came a time when GOAT could no longer run and it left me in a world of confusion. I think in 2012 and 2013, I lost a lot of my edge and I lost my drive and I lost that feeling I once had when I had that running partner who challenged me and who I knew would be out there running either alongside me or somewhere out on the course. I really found myself void of that desire and hunger to run but I kept at it and it was tough. I never gave up on a race but my passion and my performance suffered. I had to finally come to grips that I would have to find a way to get back to running solo like I did for so many years and it was hard.

Most would ask why I am even writing this blog but one, it is my blog and two, when I laced up my shoes today, half of me wanted to just stay home and do nothing. For about two miles I just felt like I was running with a refrigerator on my back. I was tired and I was running in a rut and I had the goal of running 8 miles and I was huffing and puffing like a person who smoked two packs of cigarettes. I thought back to the days of when GOAT ran with me and watching the passion and desire in which they ran with and how they made it look so easy. I remember how I missed those days of having that partner besides me and challenging me each step. I don’t think they really knew how important to me they really were. As I kept running, I got stronger and stronger today and I felt like I wasn’t even running anymore. I just enjoyed being out in the sun and running up and down hills and into and around neighborhoods. I felt strong and energized and I felt like I could go and go. All in all, I cranked out 9 and a half miles when I planned on 8 and early on I really felt like I would be able to get maybe 3 miles or maybe 4.

I am writing this blog more for me. Sometimes I need to look back at what got me to this point but more importantly to thank those who helped me along the way. They will be out there with me each and every day.

Sometimes God hands us gifts from above that changes our lives forever…

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