The day of the Marathon I felt like it was just another day. I got up, headed to Santa Monica to board the shuttle to Dodger Stadium and just sat back for the ride. When we got to Dodger Stadium, I found a spot at the opposite entrance so I could just sit and relax and not be bothered. There are several types of people who run this race. There are those who are out there for the social aspect whereas I like to just zone out to myself. This is the first time the time just seem to speed on by and before I knew it, the race was starting. I was experiencing a stomach pain like no other and I couldn’t tell if it was nerves or consuming way too many fluids but one thing I knew was that it wasn’t going away. I took my time and got ready because I knew I had time with that many runners and we had timing chips so it really didn’t matter when I got to the start line. I think I was also trying to keep my running outfit a secret all the way up to the start and that is a good thing because as soon as I took off the jacket, a photographer came up to me asking me to pose for a photo. I learned a lesson and that is Superman is more popular than Batman, at least on that day. I have never garnished so much fan support from the start of the race until the finish.
Something was different about this race. I have run this course at least 4 times and for some reason it just seemed like I couldn’t remember anything about the course. I was just out there. I was running in my own world and at my own pace but my stomach continued to plague me. I felt sick to my stomach and really could not drink enough fluids so I knew that could come back to bite me but I just pushed on. I normally just take off and start running at a faster pace so I could make up time but on this day, I just figured I would enjoy myself and soak up the atmosphere. This was number 10! A decade of running and I wanted to enjoy every minute of it. The highlight of the day was seeing my friend Caryn out on the course cheering me on as she said she would. I ran as hard as I could to honor her and her battle with cancer and the struggles that comes along with it. Her drive and will kept me driving my legs all the way to finish in superman fashion.
I sit 5 days removed from the race and I cannot believe how good I feel. I have never felt this good physically and mentally and I feel like I could lace up the shoes and go out for a run right now but for once I am going to take it easy and enjoy in the accomplishment of completing a decade of running and continuing my marathon streak to 10 in a row!!!

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